We along with other local artist/makers were asked by the Dorset council coastpath team (Tara Hansford) to submit a proposal for art installations at various parish boundaries along a stretch the Dorset coastpath. Below is one of these. It includes a single gate at one end of an old stone bridge, fencing over the bridge and then a kissing gate structure at the other end. These are at the parish boundary of Langton Herring and Abbotsbury.
I have undertaken similar projects with the Dorset council and as with previous projects I worked with Emma Molony printmaker www.emmamolony.com
The brief described ideas for what might work at this particular boundary and then I came up with a basic idea as shown in the sketches below.
Once the proposal had been accepted, Emma then researched the parishes and designed the artwork for the gates in full, alongside my designs for the gate, fence and kissing structure.
I drew the gates (without artwork) to see how they worked in the location, and to give Emma and idea of how the artwork might work with the gates.
This can really give a sense of what can be achieved.
the finished pieces are shown below
It was a great collaboration of ed brooks furniture, the dorset council, the landowner and the artists/makers mentioned below.
www.emmamolony.com researched and drew the incredible artwork.
www.simonconnettblacksmith.com who made the hand-forged hinges which match the curves of the gates.
www.facebook.com/ArcFabHq Arc & Anvil Fabrication who cut the artwork in corten steel.
Ben Beddows who burnt the pyrography lettering into the gates.
And thank you to Dorset council and particularly Tara Hansford formerly of the coastal team for the brief and opportunity.